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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

July In Pictures and a Big Thank you.

My Life over the last month has been full of everything.
Here is a quick summary of what has been happening in my world.
I write for two different blogs besides my own 
Both are fantastic sites for crafting and re-styling your life.
My grandmother, whom I love dearly and is 97, ended up in the hospital for a week 
but is now home and well on her way to recovery.
My dear friend Keira from the awesome blog "A Pretty Penny" asked me to participate in
which ended up being  a huge success. 
All in all it has been a pretty busy July.
When all is said and done I have to recognize that  I  have a wonderful 
Husband and Family, who is right in the mix of all the crazy with me. 
Without my husband Kevin I could never accomplish what I do. 
He feeds  me almost every night, when I finally dragged myself through the door,
otherwise I would be eating a bowl of cereal.
(all of the food pictures I post are of  his wonderful creations,
 he should really have his own restaurant.)
He listens to my crazy ideas and tells me, "That sounds great honey."
He is my shoulder to cry on when I am just to overwhelmed to move forward.
He also keeps all of my computer hardware working so I can blog.
I don't think I could ever express how much he means to me.
Of course, he likes being behind the scenes,
 but I need to put a face with my second half because he is amazing..
Partner in crime:)
Thank you Kevin for all you do for me.

And for all of you visual people, which is me included, 
here is my month summarized in pictures, 
Thanks to Instagram

I also want to thank all of YOU for making July such a fantastic month.
Doing this DIY Blog is a dream of mine that is finally coming to reality.
Because of all of your support and love My Blog continues to grow,
I could never thank you enough.

Lots of DIY and Fun to come in the month of August!
I hope you will join me for it.

Lots of <3,


  1. Wow what a lovely message - but THANK YOU for sharing all your wonderful creations and amazing energy! Thank you to your husband helping you along the way. Congratulations on your Blogging success and on your wonderful July. And finally - Get well Grandma!

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I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!