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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Off the Shoulder, Ladder V-neck Tee: DIY

Lena sent me a picture of a shirt that she wanted me to write up a DIY for.

I made mine a little different,
but at the end of this post I will show you how to do this.
Which I call the Butterfly. 
I love getting requests for DIY-ing,
Keep them coming.:)

Things you need
  1.  T-Shirt * Fruit of the Loom, medium men's
  2. Scissors
  3. Thread and a needle or a sewing machine.
Cut off the collar.
 Fold the front part of the shirt in half and cut slits  gradually reducing the length of each slit.
 This it what the shirt looks like when you open it back up.
I cut the top of the shirt about an 1/2 inch away from the shoulder seams.
It will look like the picture above.

OK, now for the laddering.
take the second from the bottom piece 
and pull it  under and on top of the bottom piece .

 gradually take each piece and do the same thing all the way up to the top.
 Video for Laddering HERE.
I learn by watching, I hope this video helps.
 Cut the last piece in half

 Tie it off on each side
 now cut a arched shape at the bottom of the tee.
*Save the bottom hem.
Out of the bottom hem cut two 7 inch pieces.
 You are going to sew this to the top of your shirt for straps.
 I hand sewed mine but you could use a sewing machine.

I have a nude color tank under this.

Now for the Butterfly look

Take a piece of your shirt, cut it and make a tee shirt string or use a small ribbon.
wrap it around the middle part of your laddering.
 tie it
That is it.
I hope this Helps you Lena.
Thanks for the Email.
You can wrap that around your neck.

I hope this helps you Lena.
Thanks for the Email.
Have a Fantastic Thursday.
Lots of <3,


  1. I loooove your DIY t-shirts!! You are the best!


  2. Your a DIY genious thanks I love this one!

  3. Ua, that butterfly is that easy??? crazy :) Thanks for that!

  4. U make absolutely perfect diy. I like that.

  5. Where did you get the shirts from and what size did you use? Thanks!

    1. Wal-mart, and it is a Fruit of the loom men's medium

  6. love it so much! any design for plus size? thankd

    1. Any of my off the shoulder designs could be for plus sizes. The shoulder is one of the most attractive parts of a women in my opinion.

  7. Hi, would this also work on the back of the shirt? I really liked how the back of the shirt looked as the front, and since most of the shirts I have to redo have graphics I like on the front, I want to add some flavor to the back. If it would look awkward to do the back this way, could you put up a tutorial that would add some of that cool style to the back of a shirt?
    THank you so much!

    1. Hi Jessi! Sure I will work on that for you.
      :) Have a great day.

  8. I saw this shirt and loved it look. I'm a plus size woman and figured I would try it to see if it would work for me. It worked out perfectly. I like to show off my shoulders and this shirt accented them beautifully. I loved the way it came out. I've tried some of your other shirts and although some are not for plus sized, many of them are, especially the off the shoulder ones. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  9. I just tried making this, it was super easy and fast. It is very neat!

  10. i have no clue if this is going to sound stupid or not but is this a long sleeve shirt? I see the sleeves and just wonder how you achieved that. thanks! I am in love with this shirt!

    1. Yes this is a long sleeve shirt and that is not at all a stupid question:)

  11. Is this a good shirt to use? Thank you so much!!! I am younger and therefore smaller so should I make it a small or no?

    1. Yes that is a good shirt. The size will depend on how you want the shirt to fit you, small for tighter medium for slightly bigger.

  12. Love this, for the butterfly part, where did you get the grey piece to tie? did you cut it from another t-shirt? Just wondering what would be best to use. :)

  13. I really love the butterfly, but I hate wearing a string halter. They give me neck pain after a while. I think I'm going to use a giant crimp bead to gather the center instead, or maybe tie it and just let the strings hang down...or they could be tired in a bow, cut short, or cut really short & glued! Or a sparkly brooch!

  14. Hi, I was just wondering, I really love how the top one has a smaller butterfly, do you have any idea how i would achieve that? Also, would it work to just use a short sleeve shirt and only have the straps, not the long sleeves?

    1. Hey Jen! Yes, it would work on a short sleeve shirt. To achieve the small butterfly just make your cuts smaller and tie it like the last couple of pictures on this tutorial. I hope that helps. Have a fantastic day.

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! Made it this afternoon with your easy instructions!! Thank you SO much. I know I will be trying many more of your designs ;)


I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!