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Monday, March 9, 2020

Easy, Three Tier, Tassle Earrings: DIY

 Tassel obsession Alert!  I started making these cute little tassel earrings and I can't stop.
You will not believe what I used to make them. It made making them much faster and a lot easier.
Do you like this trendy kind of earring ? 
I love that you can make them in any color combo so they will match with every outfit.
I call these Tutti-frutti .
Click below to see how you can make them too.

The video tutorial is slightly different.
I made the tassels in the video bigger and more full.
The ones on the written tutorial I used  less thread but they still look amazing.

Things you need.
  • Embroidery thread ( your choice if color)
  • Small clear rubber bands
  • Earring findings
  • Needle
  • Scissors

  • Take the paper off the thread

  •  Fold each thread in half and cut.

  •  Wrap the clear rubber band around the middle of each half (I wrapped three times.)

  •  Fold in half again.

  • Wrap another clear rubber band around the top three times.

  • Take the needle and thread it and with the same color thread  as the top tassel.
  • Tie a knot on the end of the thread.
  •  Thread through the middle each tassel.

  •  Run the needle through the earring finding.I did this three times to secure it .

  • Tie a knot to finish it off and secure it.. 
  • Trim excess thread.

  • Make them in every color combination you can think of.

Now I am going to go make a black pair.



  1. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ These are so cute! I must try this out next week when I have a few days off. Can't believe how simple these are to make, but have such a visual impact.

  2. It looks nice. Thanks for giving a tutorial for making this simple and beautiful three tier tassle earrings. Come back with more innovative DIY ideas.
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