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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday With Sailor Sam; Saving Face

Many things happened to  Sailor Sam this week. 
Let's go check it out.
 This Week, Sailor Sam and I were up really early most mornings, getting lots of work done!

 He seemed to miss the Ocean, because he spent one afternoon watching Peter Pan, our beautiful Beta fish.

To cheer Sailor Sam up, I bought him a  big, fat chocolate brownie.

 We had to take another trip to see Dr. Dan, because he was losing his face. 
Gasp" Can you Save him Dr. Dan!"

 We decided  that we had to perform face surgery right away .

 There's my handsome Sailor Sam!  Welcome back Sam.
Thanks, Dr. Dan.

 We celebrated his great surgery success  by doing a little DIY together.

 He made this really pretty Bracelet out of chain and diamonds.

Sailor Sam wanted to know why my nails were two different colors.
  I told him it was all in the name of Fashion.

 He told me he like the colors I picked for my nails, especially the Glittery orange one. 
Thank you Sam!

 He also told me he  knew the Lego's on this Valentines Day box.
I am super impressed

Then, after a very long day of working, I found Sailor Sam asleep with his glasses on. Aww so cute.
Night Sailor Sam, Sleep well.

Have a great Sunday Everyone
Lots of <3,


  1. i'm happy to hear that Sam is feeling better and that his face is back on hahaha.

  2. Hahaha! I love the adventures of Sailor Sam!


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