Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Green and a Tie with Flowers.

I swiped this great tie from my husband, I guess it has to be about 15 years old. I just love ties, but you already know that about me.  I just think the flowers, colors, and the size are perfect( not to big ). I had this all set up to do mannequin  shots, but H informed me at 6:00am I had to be somewhere today and that means I have to leave early.  Sooooooooo, x the mannequin shots. Oh well, I will get back to Ms. Mannequin one day.

Shoes~Pesaro Leather flats
Shirt ~Macy's 
Jean Jacket ~ Express
Tie~ Mine Now
Pants ~Charlotte Russe

Have a Wonderful Tuesday Everyone!


  1. i love your tie!!! i'm crazy zabout the floral prints recently ! <3

  2. nice casual but professional look! I've never worn a tie, not sure I can pull it off.

  3. I love ties und your is fantastic, really pretty and femenine


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