Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thank you Lindy

I opened my Email This past weekend and I got a wonderful surprise, Lindy From From the really Wonderful blog 
 Itsy Bitsy Paper

  has Awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award.  You should most deffinitly check out her blog  I think this is a great way to share new blogs and meet new friends. 
Thank you so much Lindy for thinking of me.

  Here is how you Play.
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers. I did 3
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award, and
let the giver know you accept the award!
So here are 7 things about me.
1.  Green is my favorite color.
2.  I want to illustrate children's books one day.
3.  I love getting dressed up and going out to dinner with my husband.
4.  I did not have Texting until 5 months ago. (LOL)
5.  I would love to build a house with my bare hands.
6.  I wanted to be a Fashion Designer when I was in middle school.
7.  I play Call of Duty Black Ops, online, with a bunch of guys almost every night.
Ok,  so there is my crazy list of things about me

The Three Blogs I am awarding this to are
Becky~ At Just Because 

Steph~ From Southern Fairy Designs 

Babi~ when Babi Speaks
Thanks again Lindy


  1. congrats on these awards! thanks for the link Anne! you truly made my day! thank you! :-)


  2. Congratulations on your new award! I deserve it :)
    I wish you a perfect Women's Day!

  3. Thank you so much for the award! :) I really appreciate it. Congrats on yours also!
    Have a great day!



I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!