Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where I work.

Do you ever wonder or  think about where fellow blogger blog, what their work station looks like etc. etc. etc.?  Well I do.  I have met so many amazing people online and that thought  crosses my mind quite often.  Do they use a Lap Top, a PC,  I pad or , a cell phone.  For me my work station is my little haven.   I sit here and dream and create freely.   It is my space completely.  I do occasionally share with my children when they need something, but for the most part it is here, when I need it, for me.   Realizing that this space is my little outlet for all the things I have going on in my head,  has been a life saver in the last two months.  Things have changed a great deal for me, and at first when you think it is the end of the world, you then wake up and realize that your life is going in the exact direction that you need to go. 
I am really the luckiest girl. 

Well I thought that I would show you where I work, and where I  think about all the crazy stuff that goes on in my head. I would love to see other fellow blogger's work stations. 
Welcome, come on in.

Thanks for visiting.
I love having friends over!!

Have a Whimsical Wednesday:)


  1. I love this post so much, so you, it's really nice to see your work place.

  2. Anne, I love ur blog and look forward to it everyday. Too cute! Now I want to make my home work space over!
    Thanks again!

  3. love the disco balls! Looks like a good spot for your busy day! oh - bday is next Tues. No biggie. moving into another decade is less eventful this time around... :)

  4. Thank you so much Renee. I love everything about doing a blog.. so so glad you like it.. Thank so much for your support.Anne

  5. Thanks for sharing. I also like your disco balls. What awesome artwork on the wall! Where did you go to school? Inquiring minds of future cartoonists would like to know. I like the sketches on you keyboard pull out :D
    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  6. you would have disco balls at your desk.


  7. Nice to see your work haven. I work in classrooms, so I can't take pictures of that :)

  8. I loved seeing where you work. All the different things that people surround themselves with say so much about them, don't they?

    I REALLY love the amazing sketches you draw. I do wonder if there's any sphere of life that you're not super-talented at!?!


  9. I always wonder this too and where bloggers craft. I spy all kinds of neat things at your work space.


I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!