Sunday, January 5, 2014

Growing My Hair Out.

I thought it would be fun to put a picture collage together of me growing my hair out, sort of a "Look how far you have come, don't give up now!" pep talk to myself.  I really didn't start growing my hair out until May of 2013, but it was fun to see all of the different ways my hair was over the last 3 years.
       If you are thinking about growing your hair out then be strong it takes about 6 months to a year.

Happy Sunday!
Lots of <3,


  1. oh, i know how long it takes to grow out hair!! i'm STILL trying to grow mine out, lol!!

  2. it looks awesome! that length looks great on you!

    1. I cant wait until my hair is as long as yours.:) Beautiful.:)

  3. Your hair looks amazing in each photo. I am in the midst of a bad hair cut growing out phase. It's been 3 months. Who does your hair, I am looking for a stylist in the central Florida area.

    1. Hey Barbara,Thank you so much. I have an Amazing Hair Stylist her name is Karen Miller, Park Ave Hair Place is where she works. She has been working with me for about 18 years.

    2. Thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to look her up.

  4. you are so nice in each photo but i love the photo "sept 2013" !!!!
    you are beautiful!!

    1. Thank you so much Lara, you are so sweet to say that.:)

  5. Love April's length! How long are you aiming for? I've been growing mine out for two years now. It was a pixie cut at first but now it's almost long enough to cover my breasts. I'm going for waist - length. Boy, does it take forever!

    1. I am going for Waist too. another year I would think for me:)

  6. Right on! I am giving myself pep talks daily and have even dubbed the grow out stage, the creative stage. Wow, waist length huh? I have to think in smaller stages as the end game scares me...will I make it or cut it off? So baby steps around this camp.


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