Thursday, October 25, 2012

Peter Pan Collar Necklace with Skull, DIY

This is an easy version of the necklace below. 
Once you get the hang of making  the easy one
 you can expand it  however you want,
 creating your very own special necklace.

Things you need.
  1. Chain* One 16 inch, two 4 inch, two 5 inch.
  2. Jump rings 8 small, 4 medium,1 small.
  3. One clasp.
  4. Pliers.
  5. Skull Bead *Optional

 Add your two medium jump rings and your clasp to the 16 inch chain.

 Find the half way point of your necklace 
and add another medium jump ring.

 Add your small jump rings to your 4 inch chains and your 5 inch chains.

Add those chains to the other medium jump ring and 
add that to the first medium jump ring.

measure out from the middle  3 inches and 3 1/2 inches, 
Do that to the other side too.
  Attach  the other end of your 4 inch and 5 inch chain.

 Then add the small jump ring to your skull bead then add it to the middle jump ring.

Which will look like this.

All done

This is the deluxe version.

I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday.
Lots of <3,


  1. this is GREAT!! i really love the one with the thick chains!!


  2. I love the necklace. How do you add the arrows pointing to the materials

    1. Hey Jet, thank you so much.. I save my picture in Paint and I use my draw pad..
      :) have a great day.

  3. This is awesome!! I will feature it on my blog and create my own version :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Love the deluxe....thanks for the tute!

  5. Looks like I'm already half way to the crafts store :D

    1. LOL. I will go with you, I need a few things..

  6. thanks for the awesome tute! the mixed media one is definitely going to be my first attempt.. so many great ideas and so little time.

  7. bahhhh! i am dying for this necklace! LOVE!

  8. Thanks for the great tutorial. I made the simple one and it came out great! I just need a different pendant. I could find one in my stash that looked right. ;)


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