Monday, October 22, 2012

Hot Glue Spiderweb, DIY

I Wanted a quick and easy way to make a sparkly spiderweb
 to decorate coners of windows and this is what I came up with.

Thing you need.
  1. Hot Glue gun and glue * not shown.
  2. Spiderweb print
  3. Glitter~ Martha Stewart Glitter is my favorite.
  4. Parchment Paper *NOTE, Wax paper does not work:)
 Spiderweb printout.
Save and  print

 Place your parchment paper over the printout.
Tape down if you want to hold it into place.

 Now trace the spiderweb with your hot glue and sprinkle with your favorite color glitter
*I did a small section at a time.

 Let cool, shake off the extra glitter, peel off your paper and stick in any corner you want.
You can use double sided tape or  
I put a little hot glue on the corners of the web
 and stuck it up on my window while the glue was still warm.
I am not sure how this will work in a cooler climate.

Have a wonderful Monday.
Lots of <3,


  1. looks so so cute! great job!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Denise, I almost want to make a necklace out of it, LOL:)

  3. Like it! Love it! Will do it! :)

  4. Hello there, thank you for your tutorial, it is awesome, but I have a question since I have never used a hot glue gun: can this be used on clothes?

    1. I mean... will it stay on, is it washable? :D

    2. Hot glue does stay on some fabric, although I would not recommend it. I would use a fabric glue instead. Have a wonderful day.

    3. Thank you :) shame, would look good on a shirt :D

    4. I think fabric glue would create the same effect.:)

    5. Thanks for your advice, I will try it :)

  5. This is a very cool �� idea ��! I would like to know if the same idea �� would work if done on aluminum foil instead of parchment paper!

  6. This is a very cool 👍 idea 💡! I would like to know if the same idea 💡 would work if done on aluminum foil instead of parchment paper!


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