Thursday, September 13, 2012

Spiderweb Shirt, DIY

With Halloween just around the corner, I have been in the mood to make all kinds of things related to one of my favorite holidays.  I loved dressing up as a child and going out searching for candy, and we never bought pre-made costumes we always made ours. Thank you MOM for making Halloween such a fun time for us when we where kids.  Halloween is such a great way to stretch your imagination, and become something completely different for a night.

I have seen a few of these shirts on the internet 
and thought that it would be a great shirt for October and beyond.

Things you need.

  1. Tee Shirt * on this project I used a small men's  Hanes tee-shirt*
  2. Scissors
  3. Chalk
  4. Spiderweb Pattern

  Cut off the collar

 Draw your web pattern or you could use this one I drew.
Just  print the above picture out.

Cut out your pattern.

 Place the pattern on your shirt ,* I put my pattern on a slight angle.
Trace with chalk.

Cut out.

and now you have your very own spiderweb shirt,
put on your spider necklace and your set.
Wear with your favorite tank top.
Glitter Spider DIY, HERE

you can also clip on your spider.
 DIY for Spider, HERE

Have a spectacular Thursday.
Lots of <3,


  1. great !
    greetings from Poland

  2. Stumbled upon your site by complete accident.. just wanted to say this is a GREAT idea, I was beginning to worry about what to wear to my company Halloween party!

    Thanks for the tutorial!

    1. I am going to wear mine to a party too. :) thank you for your sweet comment.

  3. awesome!!! thank you so much for the tutorial!! :D

  4. OMG! its the most creative design i seen in couple of months, good work!


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