Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sweater Vest Wrap, DIY

My wonderful Blog Friend Judy,  sent me some beautiful Sweater  scraps and remnants, and wanted me to Re-Style them.  This piece, that I have finally finished, has been a work in progress for about 4 weeks  now.  I have been tweaking it and changing it until I  have finally made it just the way I wanted it.  This sweater remnant  was  about the size of a small throw blanket and all I did was add arm holes, hem it,  add buttons and button holes,  then I transformed it into this sweater~ wrap, that I love. Thank you so much Judy from the blog, Just another day on Earth, for your beautiful pieces of knitting.
I hope I do them all justice.

Things You Need.
  1. Knit material,  blanket, scarf or just a piece of material, about  4 feet long by 3 feet wide.
  2. Scissors
  3. Sewing machine
  4. Matching yarn about 24 inches.
  5. Needle

I cut a straight line for my arm holes, then I hemmed them with a zigzag stitch. 
It naturally made a circle.

I hemmed the bottom  using  a zigzag stitch.

I added two buttons,~My Grandmothers antique buttons, she so graciously gave me~
One on the inside,
and one on the outside: right above the arms.
I made two button holes.
One on the top corner,
and one on the other side about one foot from the top.
I whip stitched around the button hole for extra strength.

Whip stitch


 Leave it open
Turn it upside down and make it a shorter sweater wrap, with more fullness at the neck.
Shorter side~ buttoned.

Roll down the collar for a turtleneck look.

 Shorter side, not buttoned

Add a turtle neck, jeans and boots and your ready to go.
Thank you again Judy for you wonderful pieces of work.
I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.
Two more weeks until Christmas Eve!
Are you READY?
I am almost there.
Lots of <3,


  1. I could totally see that with a turtle neck! so cute, great job :)

  2. Hi Anne!
    I really really LOVE your blog! Found it through Pinterest and i've been looking at it all day long.

    I'm chilean so please forgive me for my bad english xD

    Can you tell me how do you avoid that the blanket disarms when you cut the arm holes?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I sewed around the arms with the sewing machine, or you can sew by hand..and your English is wonderful.:)

  3. I'm going to try this with a remnant of t-shirt material to make a fairy/pixie dance vest that I can wear a comfty sports bar under, but still perform in. I see it in my


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