Thursday, December 8, 2011

Heart Bracelet, DIY

Want to make some quick and easy  gifts for Christmas?  
Why not this  heart bracelet that is not only easy to make, but easy on the wallet.

Things you need

  1. Scissors
  2. Pliers
  3. Wire
  4. Cord
  5. Buttons
  6. Ruler
  7. Fabric glue,~not shown~

 measure a piece of wire 3 inches long~ cut with pliers.

 find the middle and bend in half
 now bend the two corners of the top of the heart
 twist the two middle pieces together

Cut two pieces of cord about 12 inches long, fold  one cord in half

  Attach to the side of the heart.
Repeat for the other side
 now measure from the heart about three inches and attach your button
 tie a knot
 place some glue on the knot
 on the other side measure about three inches  and tie your first knot.
Then make another knot about 3/4 of an inch from that first knot .
 OR Just make sure your button can fit through.
Put a dab of glue on that knot as well.
 Trim the excess

Perfect little gift .
Have a wonderful Day
Lots of <3


  1. So super duper cute! It reminds me of an Irish heart ring (Claddagh)~

  2. Super cute! I just think I'll have to try my hand at making a few of those. :o)

  3. Girlie this is awesome! I may even have to make one of these for myself! I featured you today in my DIY Gifts Edition of Friday I'm In Love! I just couldn't resist, this was too perfect for the collection!!



  4. I have just the friend in mind, now I need to check my jewelry makning supplies I don't have too many of them...

  5. Very cute and a great idea for a gift :)

    Sadie xx

  6. I love it! And your instructions are really simple. Thank you!

  7. Hey there! Sorry I haven't been to your blog in a while! I don't have much time to read as many blogs as I did before my internship started.

    This is so pretty! Your creativity inspires me :)

  8. Thank you Anne, I made a Aqua,and white one :)

  9. I am a complete beginner here -- could you tell me what gauge wire you used?

    1. I used a 12 gauge wire. I would tend to use a thicker wire. I bought mine at wal-mart in the craft section. I hope this helps.

  10. i found it today, so cute!!!


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