Monday, August 22, 2011

Project Re-Style #32 part 2 Glitter Oxfords

Glitter Oxfords

Monday, Monday!
La Laaaaaaaa la la la laa.
Happy Monday all.   
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Welcome to Project Re-style #32
For this week's project I am taking a small break from clothes and I am venturing down to my feet.
I purchased these oxfords about 6 months ago, and for the last 2 months I have been thinking that they needed some spiffing up. With my shoes looking kind of bland, and fall just around the corner,  a little sparkle might just be the answer.
I Appropriately named my new shoes,
Twinkle Toes.
( I had some before pictures,  but because I received a new computer system this weekend, some of my pictures went  missing.   So if my before picture looks a little funny, it is because I used the program paint, to paint them back black.:)

Things you need.

1.Take your glue and with a paint brush apply the glue where you want it.
2. Sprinkle on your glitter. I used my finger flatten down the glitter.
3. Let dry and apply another coat of glue and glitter.
4. Let that dry and apply a third coat of glue to seal in all the glitter and as a protector.

Let dry for about 24 hours before wearing.

I am a little glitter obsessed this week.  
More Glittery projects to come.
Thank you so much for joining me.

32 down 20 to go.
Click on the  Project Re-Style picture for all the details about
Project Re-Style.
I hope magical things happen to all of you today.


  1. Adorable! I love the name too - Twinkle Toes was the nickname my grandpa called me cause when I was little I was always dancing! :)

  2. OMGAWD Where did you get the shoes, I loooove them

  3. Great shoes! I love glitter too! I think it makes everything look that little bit better! Great to have a sparkle in your step!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. What a great find and what a great DIY! They look like D&G glitter oxfords! Have you seen them on I Spy Diy?

    Love the color you chose for your glitter.
    Well executed!!

  5. I know exactly how you feel. It happens to me often too. But that just proves that meme is real. Ideas just float in the air and we bump into them! Well done, Anne! Just as always.


I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!