Sunday, May 29, 2011

Seeing Spots.

Good morning, to all of you wonderful people.!
I am just going to do a really quick clothes post for Sunday.
 My Sunday will consist of  completely relaxing and maybe a good barbecue.  
I hope  all of you have a tranquil, and uplifting day.
And I love polka dots don't you?

 My Thought and prayers are going out to all of the men and women, Past, Present, and Future, who put their life on the line for me/us, everyday so that we can live with the precious freedom that we have.
My words could never be enough, but I
Thank you!!

Thank you !!!


  1. Wow, I love the jean dress, I am a big fan because you can dress them up a bit or down and they always look good. I think I'll wear one of mine today! Cheers and happy Sunday.

  2. The dress from Target is really beautiful.

  3. Hi Anne :) I hope you have a fun time with the BBQ, and hope you have a relaxing weekend :)

  4. Great pieces! And I agree with your sentiments toward those who have and do serve in the military.

  5. Hi Anne, I thank you too! :)
    Yes, let's freedom reign!
    And yes again, I do love polka dots! ;D
    Thanks for sharing, Anne, you're wonderful!

  6. Gorgeous outfits, and YES! I *love* polka-dots!


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