Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dress up your Rhinestones

Hello all of you gorgeous  people.  
First I just have to say THANK YOU so much for all the well wishes on our Anniversary.  All of you are so wonderful.  WE  had a fabulous night with family, eating, laughing and reminiscing  about High School days.  I promise I am putting together a post of the outfit I picked and some fun, candid shots we snapped throughout the night.( Hopefully By tomorrow.) I know I said I was on a mini Vacation from blogging BUT~ I Missed  you terribly~  so I wanted to post just a quick, easy DIY Re-style of a necklace I had.
  This DIY is super easy and it changes the feel of the necklace from cold stones to warm and lovely. I first saw this on the

Do you wanna know how to get this cool color?

I just  marked  the stones with the Sharpie, skipping   some stones, so they look random.  If you mess up, no worries,  just use some finger nail polish to take it off.
This is half finished.

~this is it~
all  the way finished.

Super easy and a fun way to change up your sparkle.
Thank you for letting me sneak a DIY in while I am suppose to be Chillaxing.   But you know what? 
To me, DYI is relaxing.
See you soon!
Lots of <3 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Where the Heck are They?

Good morning to all my lovely Friends, I have to confess a small secret.
I am in desperate, DESPERATE need of both of these.

That's  right people, a maid, a cook, and  in that order, and maybe throw in one of these for good behavior.  ~Make sure he is cute~
Please and Thank you.
 The reason I need these things so desperately is because I have 

 and this.

 Why do I have such a mess, moi, me, messy, is because I have been working so hard on all the new stuff I will be adding to my third child~, Wobisobi!
With all the things that have been requested of me lately~which don't get me wrong I absolutely love it, but it has put me ever so behind in my daily duties..   My poor family have been feeling just a tad neglected, and that includes the dog,  cat, and even Peter Pan the fish.  I am truly surprised they have survived, on their own, with no food and water.  No I am just kidding, I give them Water.
But anyway, Truth be told, I would like to go out for a lovely dinner with Mr. Wobisobi , and a few other close, dear, peeps  of mine, for our 20th wedding Anniversary, ~you heard me right, I said Two- Zero,~ and in order to do this, I need the above sent to me ASAP!!
Plus a personal assistant, a masseuse, and My Fairy Godmother. 

NO Wait!  not her

That's more like it.
Yes, this is a momentous occasion.  
You don't think I would forgo DIY just for a plain dinner date, do you?

Now my dears, I will give you a sneak peek at a few things I might wear tonight .
I know, I know, you are as excited as I am..
 we have the Green Goddess 
 the Magnificent Magenta 
or the ever so lovely Princess Blue.
Now granted, I could completely flake and go for this!
 I guess you will have to wait to find out.

My point is, I have to spend the day primping and lounging around being pampered, so I will have to forgo my Daily DIY, just for today. But I promise, I will be back on track starting bright and early Monday morning,
kicking off the week with My Restyle project # 18. 

I hope all of you have a wonderful Friday night. 
As for me
I need to start primping immediately,  because it will take me that long to look presentable.
Love to  you all <3
and thank you for your ever so wonderful support of my lack of DIY today.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rondelle Necklace

I am always searching for long, silver, fun, necklaces to wear.  I Had a few ideas for some and here is one..
If you want fun  statement jewelry,  all you need to do is head to your tool box for some washers, and a few more inexpensive things and you can make it.
Super Easy! 
Make your own, you can do it!
Things You Need.

Without the Bead at the bottom.

 Have a great Thursday Everyone!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rainbow Bright

74.9% of what I have on is Re-Styled. WOW. ! I love finding new outfits for Free.  I am leaning toward more bolder colors lately.  It is amazing how a bright color can lift your mood.  The only thing missing here are my shades to block all the brightness.

 Who says I don't have shades?~ with a little help from paint.

I am just checking to see if I still have my shoes on.
Yep,  still there.

Skirt I Re-Styled HERE
Shirt I made HERE
Purse I made HERE
Belt and Shoes~Target
Bracelets~ Gifted From E

DIY Halter

Want a easy halter for summer without spending a fortune? 
Then this is the project for you. 

Things You Need
1. T-shirt, mine was a men's small.
2. Cord  or ribbon ~One Yard
3. Extra material~ if you want to make the ruffle neck line.
4. Sewing machine
5. Scissors
6. Needle and thread the same color as the shirt you use.

Cut where I marked the orange lines. 

Fold over and sew 1 inch hem.
I also hemmed under the arms 1/2 inch.

Thread your cord through the hem that you made on the front and the back, then tie the two ends of the cord together
Take your material and cut 4 inch strips.
Fold the strips in half and hand stitch a running stitch at the folded side, then gather your material to make the ruffle.
Then you hand baste it to your shirt around the neck line.

Tous les Fini!

A new white halter for summer.
Use your imagination and change it up a bit by using ribbon where the cord is or different color material around the neck. The possibilities are endless.

As always email me if you have any questions.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Linking to

Monday, April 25, 2011

Boyfriend Jeans

I really love jeans that have that loose comfortable feel.  The kind you can dress up or down. These are said jeans. (my Boyfriend  jeans) The jeans I reach for when I need a little extra room or just want to lounge around and be lazy, but of course, I  love to dress them up and take them out too.

 Sweater, Jeans~ Target
Sandals ~Target, with a little face lift HERE
Tank~ I Re-Styled HERE
Orange skinny belt ~also Target


Tank ~Marshall's
Jacket~ Express
Same jeans as above photo
Shoes~ Nine West
Necklace~ I made HERE
Have a fantastic Night all!

Project Re-Style #17

Happy Monday Everyone!

I LOVE Mondays!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  
I  sure did and of course I ate too much.  
I can also say that my computer stayed off all day. 
Now back to work.
Welcome to Project Re-Style #17
Details about Project Re-Style are at  the end of this post.
This weeks Re-Style comes straight out of  InStyle Magazine, the only Magazine I read Front to back and back to front.

 I will Link you back to

Because she has tons of awesome DIY ideas and this is one of many.  Her Blog is  most definitely one of my Favorite reads. If you have never Checked out her blog, you are missing out on tons of great, easy DIY projects. 

T Strap Sandal Redo

Things You Need.
1.T-strap sandals
2. Material or leather
3. Scissors
If you use material 1 inch by 4 inches or however long you want them, they could be shorter in length if you want.
I used leather left over from another Re-Style project. I made them 1/2 inch wide by 4 inches long.
I cut 16 strips.

Then you just Tie them on to the T-strap,
8 strips on each shoe.

And you are all done.
  And if you want to change them back,  just untie the leather.
Click on the picture for details about Project Re-Style.

 17 down 35 to go.
Have a Great Day Everyone!

Go Re-Style something:)

Linking to