Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Dress

Sunday, for some reason, feels like a dress day.. I think maybe because when I was Young I was  in church every Sunday and we had to wear a dress.  Back then I was not very excited about wearing dresses, I would have much  rather been in a pair of dirty jeans and a old T-shirt.  
Now I would much rather wear a Dress.!

Dress~ Calvin Klein  
Necklace~ My Creation

Have a Beautiful Sunday Everyone..


  1. Such a pretty dress! when I get down to my goal weight and feel more comfortable, I'm going to wear dresses all the time!

  2. I like the your dress so much, I love how it's made up - at the chest.

  3. oooh I love how you layered the necklaces!!!!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  4. Sundays are always dress/skirt days for me. I like this sheath dress. I used to wear these more. Pre-kids :D Is that one necklace? It's great. I like how you have it knotted on the side. My and asymmetry!
    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  5. Oooh, look at you, Mrs Calvin Klein!!! What a beautiful dress. So stunning.

    I love your post on your living room ideas. Will you be branching out into interior blogging any time soon? Mmmm?!


  6. Excelent choise. Awesome dress, beautiful necklaces.


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