Sunday, March 13, 2011

Inspiration Sunday

As I am still in the dreaming mode, I would like to show you what I am dreaming about today. I am dreaming of changing my Living room.  Maybe a new color or a new arrangement,or something new all together( budget allowing). Anyway,  Pictures always get me going in the right direction, so here are a few Pictures that  I Love that and found this morning on the wonderful internet. such a great tool when used right. Enjoy

The one above is my Favorite so far.

All Pictures come from HERE.


  1. Wow, they're all so pretty and so different. I think I'm drawn most to #3.

  2. Such pretty rooms~ love the first one and the dining space! :)

  3. We all need change every know and then. Lovely pictures!

  4. i love the pink chairs! they offer such a nice contrast to the beautiful white space! i can't wait to see your living room transformation! ;)

  5. Love #1 and #4. Beautiful.

    Lisa x


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