Saturday, January 29, 2011

Black Leather Belt Bracelets

I was looking in my sons closet for some old shirts and  my eyes got really big when I found a Black Braided belt G had when he was about 8, it kind of made me  feel  a little emotional.:(   Well, I decided to create a couple of bracelets out of them.  Now It has sentimental value on top of Re-Style value.:)
These are made just like the 
Brown Leather Cuff Bracelets, 
the  toutorial HERE. 

I was so needing a black bracelet too. 

 I took my hot glue gun and glued a little Black Satin  ribbon to the ends of the middle bracelet and pink velvet ribbon on the top bracelet, so the braid would not come apart.
 I weaved some pink velvet ribbon though the one bracelet so I could tie it.


Happy Saturday Night Everyone!!


  1. love love LOVE it! =) I'm certain I have a belt that has past it's prime.... hmmm... =)

    Jenn @ Peas and Crayons

  2. How cute is that! Love it:) Love your blog and thanks for stopping by ThreeBoys:) I can tell we have some things in common! Hope to see you around soon.

  3. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they are cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute

  4. woohooo found my belt, I am going to try this one :)

  5. I could not find any satin ribbon at walmart so I used reg ribbon :)

  6. ty so much i loooooooooooove it :)

  7. I loved making this, I am going to make another one and use a different color ribbon :)I wanted to use the end with the buckle but I have such a skinny wrist that the buckle looked too big :(

  8. that is sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!:)


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