Thursday, February 10, 2011

Red, White and Gray.

Happy Thursday Everyone!!
So, as I promised no Brown today.
Just  a little Gray, White and a touch of Red.
This skirt is one of those super great finds.  I bought it about 2 years ago on the 75%+ rack at Target  for the great price of $4.99, that's right $4.99,  I had to take a double take when I looked at it.  It has remained one of my most favorite skirts to- date.  I will be posting a yummy post later, so until then 
have a Wonderful Afternoon.

Sweater-Gap,  Skirt and Shirt - Target,  Belt -Wal-mart
 Necklace I made HERE
                           Target                                                                              Jessica Simpson


  1. This is a very lady-like look.
    I really love it.
    Gray all the way.

  2. Very cute and refined with the perfect pop of red! :)

  3. so pretty!! i love the skirt!

  4. Grey and red is another fav color combo of mine. Red and anything really! I think I just heart color!

    whoohoo homemade necklace! <3

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  5. Very pretty - I totally vote for the red shoes!

  6. I spy the necklace you ReStyled! Wait, the other Jennifer spied it first. Love this outfit. Mannequin has such great taste! I like your cardi wrapped and belted!
    Come link up on Friday! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  7. GORGEOUS! What a great look! I love your blog! ~Serene

  8. Some of my favorite things in my closet were awesome deals I stumbled on!!! Great outfit!


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