Tuesday, July 23, 2019

RePost: Easy No Sew, Multi-Tied Tee with a Twist: DIY

Do you Need a quick shirt for a party a just something different to go out in?
This shirt can be tied in so many different styles. Great for the beach or traveling light..
 You could make one in minutes with a  just a pair of scissors.

Things you need.
  1. Scissors 
  2. Tee-shirt* mine is a men's medium 
 Lay out your shirt


Cut the sleeves apart
Tie both cut pieces to the side.
the best part is they are adjustable to you.
Now you have a new shirt in just minutes.
Wear it with your favorite jeans.
I think I am going to stud this one with some rhinestones.
Have a beautiful day.
Lots of <3


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