Saturday, July 29, 2017

Week 2, Of the Last 30 Days: My 90 day Challenge.


 Week 10
Week 10
Never in a million years did I ever think I would be doing something like this. I usually record my DIY's  and fashion. I have found myself in a place where I have had to do a DIY on myself.
Please if you are struggling with life, stress or anxiety so was I!
  This is what I had to do to straighten myself out. 

Have you ever challenged yourself to do something.? Do you think exercise and eating well can help with Anxiety and Panic Attacks? I am testing out that theory on myself. I am on day 78 of walking 1 hour and 10 minutes everyday for 90 day's, plus 20 minutes of spot training 5 days a week. On top of that I am eating clean and recording my food and macros.
  I have a daily feed on my Snapchat and instagram.
 For the  last month of this challenge I have been video recording my progress.
Join me.

Week 1 Video
Week 2 Video
Feeling great and loving life again.



  1. You are inspiring me to do something more! I go through these phases where I think I'm too old and don't really care if I look bad, but I don't like to feel bad about myself. This is more mental repair for me than physical. Thanks and keep it up!

    1. This is mental for me as well. I need my mind to be strong and for that to happen my body needs to be strong. You can do it too, and your body will thank you.Lots of love XXXOOO

    2. I feel the same way. I'll be 40 this year and I feel like I'm turning 70! I get so down abt my weight (I've gained 20ish lbs) and I just lay in bed all day and all night :/ I have no motivation.


I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!