Monday, March 14, 2016

Side Bow Sweatshirt DIY

 I saw this amazing sweater on Pinterest about a year ago and I have always wanted to re-create it. I finally decided to make one using  a hot pink sweatshirt that only cost me $5.00.


I love re-creating things.

 Things you need
  1. Sweatshirt
  2. Ribbon or Scraps from another shirt.
  3. Scissors 
  4. Sewing machine 
  5. Needle and thread.
  6. Straight pins
 Cut off the collar
 I took one of my other shirts,
and I used the hem part of the sleeve for the bow. 
You could use a favorite ribbon to do the exact same thing.

Cut 7 to 8 inches down one arm.

Fold over your edges and pin.

Pin your ribbon  on the edge of each side


  Tie and wear

Have a wonderful Day
Lots of <3,
For more Re-styles 
Head over to my Pinterest page.

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