Monday, August 31, 2015

Leopard Shoe, DIY

Leopard is one of my biggest weaknesses.  Anytime I see leopard I am drawn to it like I am drawn to Victoria's Secret or the shoe department ant Dillard's or Macy's. I guess you could call it a slight obsession that I have never gotten out of my system.
I have been attracted to Leopard for as long as I can remember.
I mean Look at DVF with Andy.
That picture alone made me fall in love with leopard.

Moving on, I have been wanting to try out a leopard  shoe DIY for a while now,
So when I found these cute pointy toe flats at Charlotte Russe for a steal
 I decided the time was now for a Leopard shoe DIY.
Let me show you how easy it is to glam up some plain shoes.

Things You Need.

X-acto knife
Contact Paper
Small brush

Tape around your shoes.
Wrap the rest of your shoe in paper or  paper towels to protect the inside of your shoe.

Print out a leopard stencil from the internet,  cut out the print with an x-acto knife. 
(NOTE)* You do not need to cut out the whole stencil,
  just enough to cover your the top of your shoe.
Place the leopard paper that you cut out over your contact paper.

Trace again

Cut out.
 Peel off the sticky part.
Place it over your shoe 
press down the edges.
Spray your shoe evenly.
Peel off your contact paper.  
Repeat on the other shoe.
Let dry for about two hours.
 Put a little gold paint on a plate or a paper towel.

 Fill with the gold paint.
Let that dry.
*Optional, Grab your glue and glitter, just for extra sparkle.

I put glue over the gold paint
Sprinkled on the glitter.
Let the Glitter DRY
then brush off.

and now you have your very own Leopard flats.

I hope you Have a Wonderful Day.
Lots of <3,


  1. The is adorable - love it! Thanks for sharing such wonderful creations!


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