Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shirt Re-style: Sheer back DIY

This shirt was a Liz Claiborne shirt I wore in college that I absolutely loved.
 I will not even tell you how long ago that was.
I found it at my parents house hanging up in my old closet
and thought, "oooo I could restyle this classic shirt."
Sheer backs are so popular now, why not update an old shirt into something new.

 Things you need
  1. Old shirt
  2. Scissors
  3. Sheer material
  4. Sewing machine
  5. Straight Pins
  6. Chalk
Lay out your shirt
Cut out the back at the seams.
use your cut out as your template
Lay it on top of your sheer material,
 mark it with chalk and cut it out.
 Pin it on the underside of your shirt.
all the way around.

cut the bottom of the material however long you want it. 
Hem if necessary.
Now you have an updated shirt from a classic.
Have a wonderful Saturday.
Lots of <3


  1. The shirt looks great. Love all your T-shirt refashions. Just wanted to take the time to say I enjoy reading your blog and thanks for sharing your creative ideas with us . Do you have any jewelry DIYs coming up? Have a great day.

    1. I will be working on several Jewelry DIY's coming up this month:)

  2. I'm at Thanks!!!!

  3. I love it!! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for later today that links to your tutorial:

  4. Love the new shirt! It seems so easy, yet it changes the whole style!

  5. Oh Anne! That's going to look amazing on you! Brilliant upgrade, per usual :D.

  6. Anne, I love your blog and your personal style!! As a complete newbie to the world of blogging, I can't believe you get so many projects done, and blog about it!! Please tell me one day, I'll actually remember to take photos as I go along :) Thanks for inspiring me!

  7. Thank you so much Dawn:) Yes, I remember when I would do a project and forget to take a picture of that one step. Yes you will remember. I love creating things and recreating things. I guess you could say this is a very strong passion of mine.I would love to see your blog send me a link. Have a beautiful Day :)

  8. What a wonderful transformation! Thank you for tutorial and idea!!


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