Monday, March 11, 2013

Wire Wrapped Bracelet, DIY.

Want an easy afternoon project?
 How about this easy wire wrapped bracelet.
With a few beads, some wire and your imagination the possibilities are endless. 

 Things you need
  1. 20 gauge wire *Wal-Mart craft section
  2. Beads *Wal-Mart craft section
  3. Pliers

 Cut your wire about 14 to 15 inches long.

With your pliers make a small circle at one end

Lay out your pattern.

String your beads on to your wire.

 Finish the end with another circle.

I made one more with gold beads and one skull bead.
I think I will make my next one 7 inches longer to wrap three times around my arm.

Wrap around your wrist and off you go.
Have a Fantastic Monday.
Lots of <3,


  1. Tooo fun....& have ALL the ingredients for this fab DIY! Thank You, Anne!!! :)

  2. Thanks I have all these things on hand too, even 20-gauge wire.

  3. SO cool! Thanks for sharing :) I'm a new GFC follower!

  4. I have tried these bracelets they are extremely cute my kids love them but I can't seem to get the loop on the other end correct after the beads are put on. How is the easiest way to do it? Thank you so much.


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