Saturday, December 8, 2012

Re-Styling My Coach Bag.

A tragic accident happened to one of my favorite bags. Dark Dye was spilled on it.  I tried for 3 days to get it off, using everything on the internet that said it might help. Nothing worked. 
What is a girl to do?  Re-style it of course.  It needed a little update anyway.
  Here is what I did.

Things you need
  1.  Leather bag
  2. Liquid gold leaf
  3. Brown shoe polish
  4. Q-tip
  5. Paper towel
 First I couldn't decide if i just wanted to do the brown polish.  
But  it didn't cover up the stain.
 So gold leaf it is.

I put the  gold leaf on with a Q-tip.

Then I carefully  covered the gold  with the shoe polish to knock down the shininess. 
Carefully wipe down the shoe polish with a paper towel.
You could tape off the parts you don't want to be touched, just to be safe.

Hello new bag!
 Am I done?
Not sure, let me think on this.

Don't be afraid to change things.
Have a wonderful Saturday
Lot's of <3,


  1. What a great solution! I can see where you might like to add a bit more to it, but I love it the way it is too. Great job!

    1. Thank you. Yes.. I don't think I am finished ;) it needs a bit more I think too.

  2. Hi Wobisobi, I have drooling at ur blog for quiet some while. And Blogs like yours reminds me that DIY blogs are not just about photographic skills but about glamorous art done so with much without effort (this is what I had to say after watching all your DIY)

  3. Anne that's so cool! Did you create the necklace also? It looks like a fun design!

  4. genius - I love it!

    1. Diane, Thank you. hope all is well with you..:) Big Hug

  5. This is a fix I'm definitely going to try in the spring/summer. I have so many light leather bags that are stained that I don't want to throw away!

  6. A truly unique bag. No fear of bumping into the girls with the same look. Awesome

  7. Replies
    1. Valencia That is the sweetest thing to say. Thank you so much..


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