Monday, December 3, 2012

Glided Camo Jacket, DIY.

Why not spice up  a camo jacket with a little glitter and gold paint.?

Things you need.
  1. Camo Jacket
  2. Gold fabric paint Tulip Michaels or HERE @ I
  3. Glitter Martha Stewart Michaels or HERE
  4. Mod podge fabric glue  HERE @ Plaid
  5. Stencil
  6. X-acto knife
  7. Paint brush
  8. Sponge stencil brush Tulip
 I mixed a little glitter in my gold paint then I painted random light parts of the camo.
 Once the gold paint dried,
 I painted a thin layer of glue on top of that
 and sprinkled more glitter on top of that.

Then I drew what I wanted to put on the back and I used my X-acto knife to make a stencil.

I Made some Angel wings for the pocket.

tape it to your jacket and using your pink sponge brush,
 stencil with gold paint-then glue- then glitter.

Let dry for about ten minutes, remove stencil.

I am so happy how this turned out.
Have a great Monday.
Lots of <3,


  1. I'm seeing so much camouflage on all the fashion blogs but this is the first DIY to paint part of the pattern gold and then use stencils (love the wings!). Posted two "after" photos on my blog. Really love this!

  2. Lady i love the guilding idea... feminine touch to a camo jacket. Cool stuff

  3. Thanks for sharing this tutorial, the jacket is looking amazing after the work you have done, i will definitely try this with my old camo jacket.

  4. Love your site!


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