Thursday, October 11, 2012


 Everything I have on is from Target,
Except my DIY skull scarf  HERE and my DIY cross shoes HERE.

I always use to wear my button up sweaters backwards in High school.
 I guess in my mind I was just tying to be rebellious.
It always seemed that I was searching for small ways to be different than everyone else. 
Didn't everyone do that?
Have a fantastic Thursday.
Lots of <3,


  1. So edgy and fantastic... with just the right touch of adorable... love you!!!

  2. Your amazing - I want to do some of your projects - hope they turn out like yours- thank you for all the pics

    1. Thank you so much Reagan, that is such a sweet thing to say:)

  3. I so agree with you , what you wear, how you describe your projects, and the backward sweater! reminds me of High school, trying to fit in any way I could. I was a big rebel!

    Nice to have you to talk with.
    peaceable moments my friend,


  4. Anne!!! I am trying to get back to blogging. Work just gets into the way of everything :oD

    Love this look! The cardigan is beautiful. Love the ruffles. Loving your new hair style. It's probably been like this for a while and that just shows how long I've been away. Hopeing to post tomorrow. For now I just changed template/layout.

    Jen HaHA

  5. Oh my I love the backwards cardigan idea...thanks for sharing!


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