Tuesday, July 31, 2012

No Sew, Ladder Tee-Shirt, DIY. The Gigi.

 This shirt was inspired by a very special person.
Someone I think is simply amazing. 
She is one of the kindness, strongest women I know.

Things you need

  1.  Black Tee-shirt *I used a men's medium. I am 5'7" 135lbs
  2. Chalk 
  3. Sharp scissors

Cut out your collar.
This will make it sit off the shoulder.

 Draw our your pattern.
I drew 3 different rectangles
 draw lines across, in the middle of each  rectangle.
Then  carefully cut your lines.
stretch your material gently to make your strips more tubular.

 Cut a slit up one side of the shirt.about 10 to 12 inches

 Tie in a knot


There is so much you can do with a plain tee-shirt.
Be creative.

How I wore it HERE.
I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday night.
Lots of <3,

More No Sew, Tee-shirt DIY's


  1. I came from Poland and I'm fascinated your projects;)))they are great ;))

  2. Sweet! Can't wait to try;-)

  3. sono italiana e mastico un pò d'inglese , voglio farti i miei più sentiti complimenti per la tua effervescente creatività, buongusto e stile....continua così, sei una continua fonte d'ispirazione. con affetto, Rossella
    from terralba, paese della provincia di oristano, in sardegna. ciao

  4. You are a genious :) i have so many tshirts that i keep just because they were gift from someone... but i hate wearing tshirts!!1 i am sooo using all your tips to transfomr them :)

  5. Very fine! It is necessary to try

  6. hi, I know someone probably already asked you this but where do you get your shirts? I can't seem to find just a solid colored shirt for some reason!

  7. wonderfull!!! i am a mother of 7, little overweight, never time to dress and to think what to wear... i am 37, but i feel younger and these thins are fantastic... i know how proud i ll be if i succseed...
    you are amasinh lady!!! tnx very much!!!


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