Friday, June 22, 2012


 Adam's Wearing:Pants,  shirt,blazer~ H&M , Bag and tie~  Forever 21,Shoes~ Aldo. Sun glasses Kenneth Cole.

Anne's wearing: White shirt and black clutch ~Express,Tie and cat eye sunnies ~Target, vest ~Charlotte Russe, Red jeans ~Ross, Shoes~ Antonio Melani  Bracelets both leather ones I made. the others a  vintage rhinestone necklace turned in to a bracelet,  Gold Chain~ Dillard's, armour rings~ Charlotte Russe

Adam and I had a meeting in Celebration, Orlando to finalize a few things for July. 
After our amazing lunch at  The Columbia, we did a little impromptu photo shoot.
I can not tell you how nice it is to have Adam around, he his such an breath of fresh air.
Lots of exciting things to come.
Lots of <3,


  1. you too look amazing! love it :)


  2. I want to marry Adam!! :D lol jk

    Y'all look great!!


  3. What has happened to all the crafty tutorials? Seems like ever since Adam joined you there is nothing but outfit posts. This used to be my favorite blog.

    1. I Have been so busy with my other job and Life that Tutorials have been a little sparse. Looking forward to getting back on track in July. Sometimes Life and family just seem to be the most important, and need a little more attention.
      Plus Sleep is always good..:)

  4. Love the tutorials too, but really love Adam coming on the blog. He is so handsome and spices things up!!


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