Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday with Sailor Sam: Sam has a Party.

Sailor Sam has had a pretty busy week, 
let's go see what he has been up to.

  Monday, Sailor Sam wanted jelly beans for breakfast, 
I said no.

 but we did drink some coffee...

 and we ate nutella on toast.  YUM.

Tuesday, he wanted to try on my big sunnies.
You look great Sailor Sam.

later that day we took a trip to the DMV.

Wednesday,  he told me he loved the new blue nail polish that I bought...

 and then he asked if he could help me put on my makeup.

 I told him I would love for him to help.
"Thank you Sailor Sam."

Thursday while we were watching TV, 
Ava, our blind kitty, gave Sailor Sam a kiss. 

 Watch out Peter Pan,
 Sailor Sam wants to go fishing.

 Friday, Sailor Sam wanted to have a little dance party, 
and invite all of his friends. 
"That would be so much fun Sailor Sam" I told him.

Max and Pooky thought it was great too.

They had such a great time, 
dancing  the night away.

 Saturday, Sailor Sam spent most of the day editing video of the party.

Saturday night, Sailor Sam was so tired he fell asleep with his glasses on again.
What a fantastic week.

"Good Night Sailor Sam!" I whispered.
"Sweet dreams."

Have a wonderful night.
Lots of <3,


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