Saturday, April 7, 2012

Red Jeans

These Red jeans I found for a steal at Ross for  $13.00,
Tee Shirt ~ in my favorite Spring /Summer colour, Mint green,
Teal strappy sandals and orange skinny belt~ from Target 
Necklace~ I created
Bracelets ~some are mine, some are from Charlotte Russe
Fold over canvas clutch ~I made HERE

I have been reading a lot about the way size 00 models are Photoshopped 
to be even SMALLER than a size double zero.  
I guess all of you know by now I am NO way a size 0,2,5or even a 7. 
 I am a healthy 9/10, in some things a 12 and I am very proud of that. 
 Do I want to be in better shape? Of course, but not Smaller, 
 I want my muscles to be strong and healthy 
so that it can take this body of mine through a long and healthy life.
I hope that we can show our young daughters,  healthy, normal sizes, and good eating habits,
and this crazy notion of size 0 will fade into the distance.. 
Trying to be a models size -00 is not only impossible, it is just not real.
Although you can achieve this look by purchasing  Photoshop for a mere $ 450.00 .
Lets face it, it's a lot cheaper than plastic surgery. 
You judge,
which one looks better to you?

 There are more before and after Photoshopped celebrities

Have a wonderful Easter weekend Everyone.
Lots of <3,


  1. You look beautiful,outfit is so chic :)
    and I vote for Marilyn,she looks healthier,but if someone chosen to be a model,I respect that,and they will be always thin,they will have to be thin :)

    1. Thank you so much Natasa .
      Have a wonderful day:)

  2. You look amazing Anne, that look is perfect. The top is very cute, I love the color.

  3. love the color combo!!!
    i myself am closer to the marilyn body shape but have a daughter that it closer to the thin model. genetics. she looks like my in-laws.

  4. love the color combo!!!
    i myself am closer to the marilyn body shape but have a daughter that it closer to the thin model. genetics. she looks like my in-laws.

    1. Thank you so much Bea:) My daughter is also close to the thin model shape.:)

  5. As someone who does Photoshop as part of my job, I can tell you that 100% of my photos are Photoshoped - especially lighting (but then again in the olden days when my grandfather was a photographer the darkroom was the equivalent of Photoshop for exposure). But it's so sad that even the thin celebrities (and most of them aren't genetically thin) and naturally beautiful are Photoshoped to death to the point of looking ridiculous and alien. Thank you for the link - I've shared it on Facebook and Tumblr. Also, I love your necklace and mint is quickly growing on me :)

  6. You look great! Love these pics of you. I followed the link, if even half of those photos are showing what really happens, it's so scary. I hate that women get fooled into believing they have to look like something that's completely unachievable, that's why I rarely even look at magazines anymore. They're pure fiction.

  7. I really love the way you colourblocked. You look good and speaking from a curvy giirl's point of view, curves are waaaaay better... At least that's what my husband tells me!!

  8. Score on the red jeans. Inspires me to try other colors than blue. I think you look awesome. Honestly I thought you were smaller than a 9/10, just shows how the numbers don't mean everything. I'm a size 12 right now, and am working on getting healthier.

  9. I've been looking for red jeans for a while've hit the mother lode with your pair! I couldn't agree more on the size issue. I've been smaller than I am now, but it took a good chunk of my day to accomplish it. I'm about a 10 or sometimes 12 (but what's a size really? My closet goes from 2-14! I eat healthy 80 percent of the time and work out regularly, but not daily. I really question the extreme exercise programs and how healthy they really are. Anyway, of the two pictures, I do love me some Marilyn! She was such a WOMAN! Hugs! ~Serene


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