Friday, March 2, 2012

Zebra Off the Shoulder Sweatshirt, Weekend DIY.

 Need a weekend project? 
 Why not make an off the shoulder sweatshirt. 
Choose a design you want and create something just for you.  
My Zebra shirt has been a work in progress for about a week now.
 It seems just when I  think it is finished, I decide to change it. 
I think now,  I finally have it the way I want it.

Things you need.

  1. Contact paper
  2. Fabric paint
  3. Paint brush
  4. Scissors
  5. X-acto knife
  6. Cutting board
  7. Sweatshirt ~ mine was a mens medium~

Wash and dry your sweatshirt.

Now you can cut your sweatshirt, 
you might need to try it on, and measure where you  want to cut it.
I cut short sleeves on this one, but you can leave the sleeves long if you want. 
It is totally up to you, because it is your shirt.

Find the print you want. I printed one off the internet 

then I cut a piece of contact paper, to match,
 and taped the two pieces together, 
and I also taped them to my cutting board~so that they wouldn't slip while I cut them.
Using your X-acto knife, I cut out all the black spaces.

then peel the back off your contact paper and stick it to your shirt.
 Rub it well so that it adheres.

let dry,
then peel off.

 Let dry for 72 hours before you wash it.
Then wash in cold water and hang dry.
Have a Fantastic Friday.
Create something wonderful.:)
Lots of <3,


  1. Ohhh! I have to find gold fabric paint. Or silver. Hummm, maybe a Star Wars logo? I have to try!

    1. that would be awesome!! have a great weekend!

  2. really perfect ı love so much this sweatshirt thanks

  3. Wow I love it! Your refashions are always amazing!

  4. This is fantastic! Totally my style. I'll definitely be attempting to make something like this!

  5. Such a fun idea!! I will have to try! Now that summer is coming, it is a great time to stock up on clearance sweaters

  6. i just have a quick question. Did you have to put the stencil down twice to get the design to cover that much of the shirt? My stencil is a bit small.

    1. Yes I moved the stencil across the shirt.:) have a fantastic day Wendy!


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