Friday, January 13, 2012

Mustard and Ketchup.

 Sweater~ Marshalls, Black Skinny's and Purse  ~ Target,  Boots~ Durango, Sunnies ~Cole Haan
I have been kind of obsessed with these boot socks I came across on Pinterest HERE
Had to make some..
I just so happen to have some sleeves left over from a sweater vest I made, so I decided to put them to the test.
Now I am even more obsessed with finding some more old sweaters, to make more Boot Socks.
My only advice about this is, don't pick a sweater that is too chunky or too thick, stick with a thinner sweater it works much better.
Have a great Friday.
Lots of <3 


  1. You totally need to wear yellow more! That mustardy hue looks amazing on you lovey! MWAH!

    have a fab weekend anne!

    1. I just love you!!! you have a awesome weekend as well JennJenn!!!

  2. I love that sweater, so beautiful. You look amazing in that color, so chic. And the glasses, so glam.

  3. This is too cute! Love your top and bag a whole lot! This is the first time I have heard of boot socks made out of old sweaters ... what a cute idea!!! You have an awesome style!

  4. I loved your blouse. Could you teaching us to make anything like that? i know you bought it but you are so criative.
    Sorry about my english, I'm brazilian.

    1. I will most definitely look into making does look easy. A great project for me to work on..
      thanks so much your a angel.


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