Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lace, off the Shoulder, Tee.

Happy Tuesday to you all.   
I  made this Tee Shirt about a month ago, and I am just now putting a post together for it. Thank goodness for extra projects I have done, because extra time is hard to come by lately.
Things You Need
1. Tee shirt
2. Lace or Dollie
3. Needle and thread
4. Scissors

 Cut out the collar
 Lay your lace on the back of the shirt and pin it,
then hand stitch it all the way around.

that is it. 

 Go create something awesome.
Have a wonderful Day.
Lots of <3,


  1. This is so pretty!! I love that idea. And it looks like something I could actually do ;)


  2. Love love love it! I have a doily that I've been saving for something creative and I think this might be it~

  3. wow:) I have to do
    it is easy and beautiful

  4. Gawsh I've been meaning to do this! Seriously friend, I don't know where you find the time!


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