Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1940's Shorts

H and I where shopping yesterday when she found these wonderful,  high waisted, floral shorts at Marshall's, for a steal@$12.99. These shorts where so cute, it preempted a~" quick lets take pictures before the sun goes down." photo shoot.  The cute sassy way the shorts moved, reminded me of what they would wear in the in the 1940's Summers.   She paired it with a cute blush top and some neutral, patent leather, flip flops, and the envelope clutch purse, is one I made last week.  
I love it when she yes to her picture being taken.

I love that era in clothes.
Have a wonderful Tuesday.


  1. She looks Fantastic in them :)

  2. you're right - totally retro and totally adorable!

  3. The short are really cute. And H is so sweet.

  4. So cute!! And yes tat was def a steal! Love Marshalls I always find the best deals and clothes there

  5. gawsh friend, she is pretty.


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