Monday, June 27, 2011

Project Re-Style #25 T shirt Re-style

Welcome to MONDAY!   Project Re-Style day. 
Today is  week  number 25 of my Project Re-Style challenge. Which means next week, I will be at the half way point.  WOW, I can not believe I only have 6 months left.
I have had a fantastic weekend off, recharging my batteries,  and preparing  myself  for a long work week ahead. 
I want to thank all of  you so much for joining me today.
This week , because I had one last white T-shirt left,  I decided to do one more T-shirt Re-style.
This one is  a no sew, peek a boo shoulder, Tee.
Super easy and a great  addition to your summer wardrobe.

As always all the details about Project Re-Style will be at the end of this post.
Let's get started.
Things You Need.

1.  A White T-Shirt
2.  Scissors

 Take your scissors and cut out the shoulders and the neck.
Then make 4 small cuts, like in the picture above. You might want to try the shirt on to measure where you want your  cuts.
These cuts, when you lace the material through and tie it, will make your shirt fit better.
The same goes with the back of the shirt.

And voila.
A new summer tee.

25 down 27 to go
Click on the picture 
for all the details about
Project Re-Style.
Have a wonderful Monday
Linking to


  1. OMG I so love this.....I was thinking of a similar design for a dress.....thanks for the inspiration!

  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE, toooooooooo cute Anne

  3. What a good idea to fit a too big shirt! I have a couple of shirts I like a lot, but last winter I've loose a lot of weight (my diet worked! Yeah!) and now I know what to do to give my shirts a new life. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Fantastic! I love it! Congrats dear! :)

  5. Fab, I especially like the detail on the back!! Love it :)

    Sadie x

  6. This looks so so cool, I love it. And you make it look so easy :).

  7. As Always your stuff is amazing. I love all you do:>

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I've been wanting to know how to do those gathers, now you've shown me, yay!

  9. What did you use for material to tie the front and back? was it a piece you cut from the shirt or extra fabric?


I would LOVE to hear from you. If you have a question, Please leave your Email so that I can respond. I try and respond to all my comments. Have a beautiful day!!