Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Red Shirt Re-Do

Happy Wednesday Everyone.
I was off today which enabled me to work on a few things that I have been putting off.   To start with, my Son had this beautiful Red Polo Shirt, that he had out grown and I re-made it into a peek a boo shoulder, shirt.  Perfect for the Fourth of July.  This was not super easy , but it wasn't super hard either. Everything went relatively  smoothly, after I figured out how I wanted to re-size it.

Things you need
1. Old shirt, not to big
2. Sewing machine
3. Scissors
4. Thread same color as your shirt
5. Large Safety Pins

1. I cut out two triangles at the shoulder, once you cut one, use that as a template  for the other side. Be careful not to cut it too big.

2. Turn your shirt inside out .Grab one of the shirts  that fits you perfect. Lay that on top of your shirt and mark with chalk.

3. Pin your shirt with safety pins,  Turn your shirt to the back, see the pleat going down the middle? I pinned that down on both sides. Then try it  on to see how it fits.  If everything fits well, sew where you pinned,  I also stitched around where I cut the triangles out to keep it from fraying.

4. Roll up the sleeves and pin them or stitch them.
5. I also hemmed just the back, to make it shorter that the front.

Two more days until the long weekend!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We Three

I have very little time this morning but I wanted to share with you a few pictures I found. 
A vintage summer.
There is just something about a grouping of three.
Such a great time warp.
Have a fantastic Tuesday

Vintage Magazine

Of course we can't forget the boys.

1940's Vintage Magazine

Tribe Swimwear

Monday, June 27, 2011

Project Re-Style #25 T shirt Re-style

Welcome to MONDAY!   Project Re-Style day. 
Today is  week  number 25 of my Project Re-Style challenge. Which means next week, I will be at the half way point.  WOW, I can not believe I only have 6 months left.
I have had a fantastic weekend off, recharging my batteries,  and preparing  myself  for a long work week ahead. 
I want to thank all of  you so much for joining me today.
This week , because I had one last white T-shirt left,  I decided to do one more T-shirt Re-style.
This one is  a no sew, peek a boo shoulder, Tee.
Super easy and a great  addition to your summer wardrobe.

As always all the details about Project Re-Style will be at the end of this post.
Let's get started.
Things You Need.

1.  A White T-Shirt
2.  Scissors

 Take your scissors and cut out the shoulders and the neck.
Then make 4 small cuts, like in the picture above. You might want to try the shirt on to measure where you want your  cuts.
These cuts, when you lace the material through and tie it, will make your shirt fit better.
The same goes with the back of the shirt.

And voila.
A new summer tee.

25 down 27 to go
Click on the picture 
for all the details about
Project Re-Style.
Have a wonderful Monday
Linking to

Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

I was trying to think up a title for this weekend post and I went  completely blank.   I guess that is what staying up late can do to you. I thought that if I searched the internet for  some quotes that it might spark my brain into forward motion, and it did. "Change your thoughts, and you can change the world." I love this quote, by Norman Vincent Peale, who was a positive thinker and motivational speaker.  More about him HERE.  
So many people focus on the negative, that is bombarding us daily on the news and internet, that they loose track of the dreams that they have, and the forward motion that they need to be going in.  I can  almost guarantee you that if you stop watching the news for one week you will feel happier, and more relaxed.  If you focus on the dreams you have, and stop living in the past, your life will naturally take you where your thoughts are focused.  So, PEOPLE, focus on the good,  the happy, and the inspirational.  
I promise you will be amazed at the outcome.  
Don't worry so much on how you are going to get to your dream place,
just dream it, and dream it BIG.

Now, here are just a few things I have worked on this weekend.

 Fun Summer Nails, my daughter painted for me.
 Two more bracelets, at the request of H.

 Earrings, that I dreamed about.

and an owl, leaf, and feather charm necklace. 
The owls are detachable.

I hope all of you have a beautiful and inspirational Sunday.
see you tomorrow for Project Restyle.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Circles and Stripes

I was brave and took pictures outside today. I am always apprehensive about  outside photo shoots, because I feel like the people driving by are saying to themselves, "What is that person doing, moving around funny, with that camera.?" One of  The main reasons I took this session outside is because I love our old garage door.  This house was built in the 1920's and all the old charm is still here.  Plus, it is good to be outside on such a beautiful, Sunny Day. Don't cha think?
Friday is here everyone.  
Enjoy your Weekend!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Leaves And Feathers

I found these beautiful Pheasant feathers at Joann's fabric, and some of them have this amazing teal color on the very end. Hopefully, I will be making something with those teal ones very  soon.
I also came across  how to make a magic braid bracelet, here.

I am hoping, to have a little time tonight, to play catch up.

I also tried a mystery braid in a ring,  but please  keep in mind,  this was just a test ring.   What I really  thought was so great about this picture,  Meredith, from Yours Mine and Ours is in the back ground, on my computer.

Have a wonderful Thursday!
Now, I am going to finish this!;)

And do this
and after that, this.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This week, I seem to be attracted to  the color BLUE, from my denim bracelets that I made, to the clothes I want to wear.  Maybe that's because  the Sky is so blue this time of year, and in Florida the sky seems endless.

 Shorts I made HERE

Have a great Tuesday everyone!