Friday, April 15, 2011

My Easter Decorations are MIA.

My Easter decoration are slowly becoming MIA.  I can remember when my children were small, I decorated every inch of the house, including the infamous Easter Egg Tree.  Now that my Children are grown, my Easter decorations have all  but disappeared.   It seems all I have out for Easter now, is a Nest and some eggs. (pitiful)
Let's all just pretend, that my Disco balls are my Easter Eggs. 
Has anyone else experienced a disappearance of Easter decorations?

 I just put a bowl on top of a candle pillar to make my pedestal bowl.

I guess on the brighter side, I have less to put away after Easter.:)
Happy Friday Night.


  1. Love your mantel and fireplace.


  2. I like your decoration around and inside the fire place! Cute! Kisses!

  3. Mine to had started to disappear, with my oldest out of the house already and my youngest just turning 17 I turned my focus back to the decorations, I just made them more mature looking.

  4. First I wanted to say, you have a beautiful house. You really know how to decorate! Second, I have zero Easter decorations, not intentionally, but growing up, my mom never decorated so I guess that stuck.

  5. That looks so beautiful.


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