Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Dog , a Cat and Me.

Today was one of those bittersweet days. I had such a fantastic time picking blueberries with my Mom and H.
But My GG is leaving tomorrow, for the summer, and I will miss her terribly.:( 
I wore black flats with this during the day and my Red Pumps at night. Of course my  animals were there to offer support.

Shirt and Sheer vest ~ Target
Sliver Scarf and Shorts~Express
Shoes~ Jessica Simpson
Cat and Dog~ Mine


  1. Oh you look Fantastic.
    Always beautiful

  2. OH the red shoes are a nice pop in that outfit, I DIG it pretty lady. Also HI LEGS!? They look a mile long in these pics, ok, not he crouching pic but I mean you're crouching, lol.

  3. I love that you're giving us a tour of your home while also taking pics sans mirror!
    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  4. You look great! I love the red heels!! And your pets are so cute! If you don't mind my asking - who's leaving? Kisses :)

  5. Oh your dog is super cute!!! Love your shoes :D

    kisses xoxo

  6. Love the shirt and scarf together! Perfect! And your pets are so adorable!

  7. Your dog looks like such a sweetheart. Awwww... Oh, and those red shoes are suuuuperb!



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