Monday, March 7, 2011

Project Re-Style #10

Well, everyone,  I have made it thorough 10 weeks of Re-Styling.  
WoW!!! 10 Weeks!!  
If you are just now joining my journey I am sooooo happy that you are here, and I hope you  come back. If you are one of my wonderful friends already then welcome back.  I am Extremely  happy 
that you are supporting my Re-style challenge, and my blog. 
I am so very Grateful to you all!  
There is a recap of the past 9 Re Styles HERE. 
All the details about Project Re-Style are at the end of this post. 
For Number 10 I was thinking that I would do something over the top.. But that thought, and my inspiration came mid week, and so  for my really difficult Re-style, I will have to postpone it.   I have a few drawings  to do, and I need a  little more time to prepare. This week I wanted to up date some capri's I have had since 2005.  So out dated,  kind of like Pirate pants. 
"Arrrrrr Matey"  
I wanted to slim them down and make them a little more dressy for Spring so they would go with heels or flats.  
So here is what I did..


Turn your pants inside out. Grab your best fitting pants. Turn them inside out. Lay them on on top of the pants you want to change.
Make sure the pants are flat no bumps.  Trace a chalk Line on the outside of the pants all the way down.

Then Pin them all the way down. I did with straight pins, but if you do it with safety pins it makes the next step easier.

Try on your pants inside out to make sure that  they fit the way you want.
If everything is to the way you like it, then make a straight stitch on the sewing machine all the way down the chalk line.  Make sure the pants are flat.. no bumps.

Try on your pants once more before you cut off the excess material. 
Once  you have decided everything is great, trim the excess material

Press the seam open and hem if you need to.

 And that is it!!!! 
A New and Improved, Free pair of Spring~ Summer pants.
I love the way they turned out.

10 Down 42 to go
 Click on the picture above for all the details.
Have a Great Monday Everyone!


  1. I love your 'how to' drawings, so cute. I'm excited to see the reveal of the BIG ONE~

  2. WOO HOO! SO fun and it looks easy like I might be able to do this since I know my way around a sewing machine! Great refashion!!


  3. Can't believe that it's beeb 10 weeks. OMG! The time passes by so fast when you are doing cool stuff. Lovely work, as always.

  4. Wow that is awesome! It seems pretty simple, but now you have a new pair of pants.

  5. I LOVE THIS! Especially since I fondly remember these pants ;-) Now I wish I'd kept mine so you could ReStyle them into an adorable pair of capris for ME!

  6. Thank you so much! I need to do some of your pictures!


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