Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pencil Skirt

Pencil skirts are tricky! If you get one too tight you look like a stuffed sausage, if it is too big, it does not do what it is suppose to do, which is  show off the great curves god gave you.  So, I would have to say getting the right fit, even if you have to get it slightly altered, is the key.  Now I am no skinny mini. My weight is WAY above 120 pounds, but I have noticed that the Pencil skirt hides way more than I thought. ~ And there are always spanx~ although they make me so hot I can never wear them. I put them on and take them right back off again, LOL.  If  your stomach is not your best asset then wear a longer white shirt with a belt, that  always looks good.  Think Kim Kardashian, Beautiful curves, and she rocks them..

Now, I did this look with 3 different shoes,  just to see which one I thought looked best. 
I know which one I like.
Do you think one of these shoes looks better?
Do Tell.

 When I wear a shirt with a lot going on around the neck, I don't wear necklaces.~ Just my preference.

But I will wear this..

And These
 Silk Shirt ~ Target
Skirt ~Target.

Have a Great Tuesday Night!!


  1. Love the skirt, so classy!! I like the cheetah ones! How many shoes do you have?

  2. you totally rock the pencil skirt look! i like the cheetah shoes.

  3. I actually liked the black shoes with strap...felt a bit retro with the pencil skirt.

  4. Love your outfit. So classy, and the shoes are gorgeous too. I used to love pencil skirts in my slimmer days. You look awesome!


  5. This is such a classy look! I love it. I like the cheetah shoes the best.

  6. I like all shoes, but I prefer the third because are very chic.
    Great look, simple and elegant: timeless

  7. You look really good in that skirt, and about the shoes, I have to say the shine black ones :).

  8. I disagree with you on one thing: You Are a skinny mini! At least to me you are :)

    Love this look on you.

  9. I think the animal print shoes definitely up the VA VA VOOM quotient in this outfit!!! You look gorgeous! ~Serene

  10. I prefer the pointed heels with straps. I think a pair of pointed heels will tend to make one look slimmer. The exact illusion that we aim for when wearing a pencil skirt. What do you think?


  11. My vote is for the animal print shoes! Love them :)

  12. I love the first pair. They give the whole outfit a bit of va-va-voom!! Which is your favourite?

    That pencil skirt is great. I like the waistline -very sexy secretary!!


  13. CHEETA!! Where did you get them!! I am on the hunt now!

  14. Hey Janice thank you so much they are Nine West. I bought them at Macy's on sale..

  15. The shirt and the skirt go really well together xoxo


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