Friday, March 4, 2011


I decided to pull out my wide leg pants this lovely Friday morning.  Maybe I did this  because I want big time comfort, or maybe  just because it is Friday.  I thought wearing big comfy pants was a nice change from wearing big comfy jeans.
I tend  to wear different shades of one color, because  sometimes wearing dark,  light combination's makes me look like a Wee Leprechaun.
I hope everyone had a great week.   Wow!, the weeks are flying by for me!  
Are they flying by for you? 

 Tank and Sweater ~Target
Pants~ Express

 Belt~ Gifted
Shoes~Antonio Melani


  1. Beautiful lady, you rock white once again!

  2. You look great. The weeks are definitely flying by. It was just Christmas. How can it be March already?

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  3. Hi! I just gave your blog an award. I hope you will stop by and accept it.

  4. Lovely combination with those wide leg pangs.

    The weeks are flying by for me! It's a little scary!

  5. You looked so cute! Love the shoes! Girl I owe you some bloggy love - been a little backed up - it will be coming your way soon. Please forgive me!! Hugs!

  6. Very sleek! You can pull off white slacks so well! Love the flare. Leprechun? I think this is should be called "vanilla martini." I dunno what I'm saying.
    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  7. Thanks for the comment about the bow holder! I do have quite the little helper! I LOVE your style of clothes! They are all absolutely stunning!


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