Monday, January 3, 2011

Project Re-Style #1

So. I have joined a group called Project Re-Style.  Every Week for a year they want you to re-purpose or Re-Style  something old, that you no longer use, and make it new again.  This is my first Re-Style.  I have been wanting a sweater vest for about 3 years now,  and I  could never find one I liked.  I finally  said the heck with it.  But last night in bed , right before I fell asleep I thought,  " What the heck, I could make a vest super easy out of an old sweater."  I  Was so excited about how it turned out.  It looks exactly how I envisioned it.
I Have Posted this on The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday.  Post your Frugal crafts HERE and join in on the Fun.




Start with an old Sweater.  I have had this for about 4 years.

Carefully cut the sleeves off.  If you cut after the two pieces meet, it looks neater.

I cut the ends of the sleeves off to make the flowers.

I folded each sleeve cap different to make two different flowers.

One was sewn on the fold.

the other I flipped and sewed it on the other side.

One makes a double flower, one a single flower

Sew to sweater, anywhere you like.

You could add as many flowers  as you like.  I like the look of two flowers.

I found two neutral buttons.

And sewed them in as the flowers center.

All Done and SOOOOOOOOO Easy.

Yeah!  A new sweater vest for FREE to add to my wardrobe.

If you have any questions, just ask away.
Happy Re- Styling!

1 Down 51 to go.


  1. Oh my goodness, I LOVE this! So easy peasy! May have to do my own little version of this one ;)

  2. I love this! What a great idea and so easy! Keep them coming!

  3. oOoOoOh! This look sos great. How neat did you get the arm sleeves? It looks super-neat in the picture but I wondered if you tucked any bits in?

    I've got some v-neck sweaters that I could do this with. I love it with the tie.

    A big gold star for you!


  4. You are very creative. Great idea.

  5. this is so awesome! I have a grey sweater that I don't wear, and I just might try this.

    After you cut off the sleeves, did you sew the ends to make it look cleaner?

  6. This is super cute! I have pinned it to my Clothes to make board on pinterest!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  7. How did you sew the sleeves - or rather, where the sleeves used to be?

    1. no sewing, I just cut along where the seam was.

  8. i love this and i can wait to try it out plus it looks perfect with the tie


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