Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 Minute Scarf Revisited

I was going though a bag of clothes H was giving away and I found this wonderful pink color T-Shirt perfect for Valentines day. I had to make a scarf out of it, but both sides had a seam.  So I decided to tied knots one side where the seam is and it turned out kind of cute.  Here is the link to make the 5 Minute Scarf.

YAY! for free things!


  1. Dude, I just left a comment on your other post and you've gone and done another project. I think I just proved my point: you areWonder Woman DIYer Extraordinaire! (okay, you just proved my point)

    Great umbrella pic! That's a mean umbrella! I like your angle and the shadows and what not. Thanks for joining!

    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  2. Anne, I'm so glad you did this! i've been scavenging through my old shirts and ALL my tshirts have seams on both sides. And I thought I wouldn't be able to try this, but this is a very good solution! Thanks, Diane


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