Friday, January 7, 2011

5 Minute Friday!

I got this great Idea from Keira at A Pretty Penny and Jennifer at   Peas and Crayons.  ( Two super cute sites you should check out.). . Then when I was shopping, I saw it AGAIN . " Is this a sign?.. I have to make this."  I whispered to myself while the woman who was standing next to me  gave me that, WHAT IS SHE ON, look .  I  made  mine just a little different, and it really only took me 5 Minutes, no kidding try it and see for yourself.   So easy and no sewing required.

How To

Take a shirt you don't wear! Son's shirt, Stain at the top.

Cut the top sleeves and the bottom hem off.

Here is where mine is slightly different. I only cut 3/4 of the way up. Then I stretched out the cut pieces to make them curl in on themselves . And That is it. All done. 5 minutes.

Thanks A Pretty Penny  and Peas and Crayons for such a Great Idea.   Their Links are HERE, and HERE.
Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. They're so flipping easy, right! I cant get over how much easier it looks on a larger shirt without crazy patterns everywhere -- its so neat and stringy! =) Good job!

  2. O. How. Cute. Is. That!!!
    I am totally going to have to do this. Someone give me an old tshirt. Please!!

  3. omgosh how cool is that??I'm totally doing that TODAY! I see people walking around the mall with scarves like this and I Bet they paid a pretty penny!

    Found you throu Take a look Tues....your newest follower=))

  4. Love that! And no sew - even better! New follower! :)

  5. Afternoon Anne :)
    Here is mine :)

  6. I need a scarf like this, too!
    wonderful idea, thanks :)

  7. OK I am totally trying this one tonight!


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