Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vitamin D and Belly Fat.

Link 1   Link 2
Here are two articles about Vitamin D deficiency and Belly fat.  I started taking this combination about a week ago and I have already noticed a difference around my stomach area. Could this really work?  I will keep you posted.

If any of you ladies try this, keep us posted on your progress, I would love to know if it really works on a bigger scale.


  1. I'm picking it up while out today! What can it hurt??!! Thanks for sharing and yes - I'll keep you posted :)

  2. any progress on this? Must not as no update in almost 2 yrs

  3. Mag and Zinc are electrolytes, should work as diuretic (unclog the system, reduce swelling & bloating). Just stay away from grains and grease, which will only plug you back up. Softgel vitamins made by Schiff are another good alternate (unclog the system).


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