Thursday, November 5, 2015

Lace Cuff Jeans, Revisited

If your jeans are too long  cut them and add a touch of lace in minutes.

Things you need.
  1.  Jeans
  2. Lace about 2 to 3 inches wide and about 30 inches long.
  3. Scissors
  4. Sewing machine or you can hand sew this.
 #1 cut the jeans to the length you want
#2 measure and cut your lace.
#3 Pin the lace to the inside of your jeans sew about an a half of an inch from the bottom of the jeans.

You can stop here and this is what they look like..peeking out from under your jeans.. OR......

 You can cuff the jeans,
Sew around the top of the lace to anchor it and have a lace cuff.

Roll them up 
or down

 I also added a little lace to one of the pockets. (Optional)
I hand stitched this.

Possibilities are endless.
Why not Dye the lace a color,  then sew  it on.
Have a Super Day!
Lots of <3,


  1. Pretty! I like both versions. I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for tomorrow evening that links to your tutorial: --Anne


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