Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday with Sailor Sam; Summer Plans.

Sailor Sam is already planning lots to do over the Summer, let's go see what they are..

 It is always fun to watch  Sailor Sam sliding down the banister for breakfast.

 But before breakfast Sailor Sam made me take him in to see Boo, our new Hamster.
"What a cutie!!!" Sailor Sam said..
 While I was fixing him his eggs and bacon 
Sailor Sam decided he would plank on a few things.
Like this Banana.

 an Avocado

 and a lime.
Silly Sam.

 After breakfast Sailor Sam found the beautiful blue rock. " Isn't this a beautiful rock Anne?"
"Yes Sailor Sam, it is."

 While I was working on a few projects Sailor Sam and Max decided to make a list up of some of the things that they wanted to do this summer.

 "If we go to the beach Anne, we have to take sun block."
 "Yes Sailor Sam we do." I said. 
  "Can we go to the beach today Anne?"Sam asked. 
 "No Sam, not today but maybe sometime this week." I replied.

 Sam then helped me with one of my earring projects.

 Later that day Sailor Sam asked me if I would draw him a portrait of himself,
 so I did.

 And Max then wanted one too.

I told Max and Sailor Sam that they had to keep themselves busy so I could work,
 so they spent the rest of the afternoon playing games like tic, tac, toe....

 and checkers.

 As  I tucked Sailor Sam and Max into bed last night, Sam Said.
 " I sure hope we can go to the beach this week."
" Me too Sailor Sam. I will work on freeing up a whole day so that we can  go. 
How is that Sailor Sam?" I asked him.
"That is great Anne, I can hardly wait."
"Good Night Sailor Sam, Max and Pooky. 
Sweet Dreams."
"Good Night Anne."

Have a wonderful day everyone..
Lots of <3,


  1. Another day well spent Sailor SAM!!


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